Friday, October 21, 2011

Huntsville TX

I landed in Huntsville Texas Tuesday October 18th to meet Dan Phillips and to become part of the Phoenix Commotion team. I learned about Phillips soon after my interest in the tiny house movement; I was interested in building with reclaimed material and somehow I landed on his site. I've been a fan ever since. Phillips doesn't build tiny homes, but he uses roughly 80% reclaimed material for the homes he creates. He also builds low cost housing, a $150,000-350,000 structure is built for $20-50,000. This was incredibly inspiring, especially after researching the costly green homes being manufactured for the folks who come from "good" stock. The homes Phillips creates are also quite innovative. Below is a photo of a project he's finishing up now; this, I believe, is his first contract with a company--T.J. Burdett & Sons Recycling Center.

The walls and floor are made out of marble that was being thrown out.

The photos don't even compare to stepping into this space. The detail is astounding.

My plan is to stay in Huntsville through March/April, work and learn from Phillips, continue to work on my structure, and to perform and/or create community events with the dwelling when I have the inclination.

For info on Phillips:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Building & Traveling

I stayed at The Land of the Lakes in Kentucky from October 3-6; I didn’t plan on stopping, but I had some extra time before my next destination. It was beautiful out there. I didn’t ventured out much. Instead I bought a little propane tank and some groceries, spent time rearranging my space and finding lone spots to continue working on the structure.

Before leaving I managed to finish waterproofing and caulking the underbelly (OSB attached to the metal frame), and I added some 1”x2” to the roof since it was uneven and bowed. I also carted most of the mess (wood, metal sheeting, etc.) from inside the structure to the back of my truck, which was more difficult than it sounds b/c of my Honda in the back. I thought about getting rid of the bike before I left, but knew I couldn’t do it! I’m looking forward to taking her out for a spin soon. I hear there are some beautiful slopes and curves at my next destination. 

Here are a few photos

Best! S

Monday, October 3, 2011

Building & Traveling

I've begun my Raw Art Tour with the Eco-Mobile. Very exciting stuff posted on my Raw Art Tour blog; I won't repeat here, but the blog URL is below:

Before leaving Urbana I had some help insulating the roof and putting a thin layer of galvanized steel around the frame. The roof insulation isn't complete, but it's good for now, and the steel I finished up during my residency at Austin Peay State University last week. There is still a lot to do, but I'm getting there!

Here are some photos for those of you who are curious!

Best to you all and thanks for reading:)